CASE STUDY: Laura and Queso’s Health Journey with Intersand OdourLock maxCare
Laura Haughey is the proud owner of Queso, a 5-year-old domestic medium hair cat. Queso was a rescue cat, originally a stray from Canada. Laura wanted a reliable way to monitor Queso’s health, particularly for urinary infection. Traditional urine testing at the vet was not a feasible long-term solution.
“About a year ago, I tried out Odourlock maxCare. I have always loved OdourLock as the litter box never smells and it is so easy to clean. My cat, Queso, had never previously had her urine tested so I decided to try the health monitor litter, maxCare for peace of mind. Sure enough, after a few months of using maxCare, the granules turned blue. I immediately took her to the vet and after many tests, the vet determined she has Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC).
FIC is a condition which causes painful urination and blood in the urine. It has been linked to stress, but the underlying cause is not known. Many cats with FIC experience breakouts throughout their lives, so even if it seems to be cured, a year later they can experience it again. There is no treatment. I was told the best thing to do was to increase her water intake and reduce stressors in her environment.
The problem was, I could not tell if my efforts to reduce her stress were improving her urine. Getting urine samples tested at the vet weekly was also not a realistic long-term solution.
What I needed to do was make changes in her environment and monitor her urine regularly to see if it was improving and to see if the changes I was making were working.”
Intersand OdourLock maxCare includes Blücare® patented technology, which detects blood or glucose in cat urine, allowing for early detection of urinary diseases and diabetes.
“Having maxCare as a consistent monitoring system has helped immensely. Now I have peace of mind every day when I clean the litter box and see the maxCare crystals are white. When I do see that the crystals have turned blue, I can administer her pain medication until her urine reverts back to normal.
In addition, when the crystals turn blue, I make note of the previous day’s events: what she ate, how long we were at home, the weather, etc. Over time, I hope to find trends and narrow down what environmental factors cause her to have a breakout. Without maxCare, I would never be able to figure out what is causing her condition.”
Key Features of Intersand OdourLock maxCare:
- Early Detection: Blücare® detects blood or glucose in urine at an early stage.
- This patented technology helps you to effectively monitor your cat’s health.
- Ease of Use: Clumping technology makes it simple to remove soiled litter.
- Fast, Visible Results: Non-invasive and stress-free for cats. Within three minutes of urine contact, granules change colour to indicate health status. If the granules are WHITE or YELLOW, the test is negative. If they are BLUE, the test is positive: Blücare® has detected blood or glucose in your cat’s urine.
Laura’s experience highlights the critical role of Intersand OdourLock maxCare in providing peace of mind and effective health monitoring for cat owners.